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Connecticut Commercial Property Inspection
ASTM 2018 protocol
Make informed decisions
Prioritize repairs
Connecticut Commercial Property Condition Assessment (PCA)
Our goal is to help our commercial clients make informed decisions. Our Property Condition Assessments (PCA's) are performed in accordance with the ASTM Standards of Practice E2018. PCAs are sometimes referred to as Property Condition Reports, Physical Needs Assessments, Physical Condition Assessments, or Physical Condition Surveys. Our PCA's are visual, nondestructive, and noninvasive assessments of: the site and grounds, structural systems, the exterior building envelope, roofing systems, mechanical systems, electrical systems, and interior components (concentrating on non-cosmetic considerations). The purpose of a PCA is to evaluate the condition of the principle building systems. Findings are divided into short, intermediate, and long term recommendations.
Our Property Condition Assessment includes the following:
A narrative style, custom written report designed for ease of use.
An executive summary to allow efficient and effective decision making.
Descriptions of the existing physical components including observed current conditions in need of immediate repair, repair, or replacement.
Opinions of probable costs – immediate and anticipated major capital costs (these can be excluded at Client request).
Photographs to help illustrate comments and improve your understanding of defects and issues as well as illustrating them to the seller to help ease negotiations.
Supporting specialist reports.
Fast turnaround with emailed and, optionally, mailed copies of the report.
Availability for telephone consultations or on site meetings to review our findings.
Our Process
During our PCA we will complete a walk through survey of the property, conduct interviews, and review documentation made available by the seller or real estate agent.
Whether you require only a baseline report or much more, our PCA can be customized to meet your own specific needs and requirements; designed to meet the recommendations of your real estate attorney; and/or requirements of your lender.
Pricing Policy
We provide a written price quote and price each project individually in order to deliver the highest quality service at the best possible price. If possible, we will conduct a short site visit to aid us in providing an accurate price quote, evaluate the scope of inspection, and determine specialists that may be needed. Services and pricing can be tailored to suit your needs.
Property Condition Assessments are usually indicated for:
Asset Management Companies
Property Management Companies
Condominium Owner’s Associations
To review a copy of the ASTM E2018 standard please visit the ASTM website.